Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Ngawi, Three Dimensional Outline History

Not excessive if Ngawi called as a tourist history / history of human civilization and the establishment of the Indonesian nation. Many petilasan / interconnected buildings, such Srigati Alas Ketonggo,  Benteng Pendem Ngawi, and Museum Trinil.
Srigati Babadan located in the Village, District Paron was a trail and petilasan of King Brawijaya V. And Alas Ketonggo itself related to Alas Purwo located in Banyuwangi. Java Community Foundation believes that Ketonggo as 'MOM' and Alas Purwo referred to as 'MR'.
Pendem castle is a relic of the Dutch East Indies government in the year 1839 - 1845 under the name Van Den Bosch Font. Until now, the castle is located in the Village Pelem, District / Ngawi was still seen standing strong.

Meanwhile , Trinil Museum is a collection of objects where prehistoric relics . Sandpipers is paleontropologi sites , namely the study of human origins and development of the early human fossils as an object of research . The museum is located in the village Kawu , District Kedunggalar , Ngawi evidence that save the lives of ancient civilization , precisely in the Pleistocene era about one million years ago .
An anatomist Eugene Dubois , in 1891 found traces of early humans first outside Europe ( at that time , red) that human specimens Java . 1893 Dubois also discovered ancient human fossils Pithecanthropus Erectus and various fossils of ancient animals and plants . Currently in the Museum Sandpipers were standing in an area of ​​3 hectares , has a collection of them Pithecantrophus erectus fossil skull , lower jaw bone fossil of ancient tiger ( Felis tigris ) , fossil ivory and mammoth upper molars ( Stegodon Trigonocephalus ) , and fossil Bull Horn ancient ( Bibos Palaeosondaicus ) .
Unfortunately , the site is built on the initiative of Prof. . Teuku Jacob , an expert Physical Anthropology from the University of Gajah Mada sabagian only save the duplicate or clone of the historic objects . While the original fossils deposited in the International Museum in the Netherlands
Regarding the objects that are in the museum , he added , will temporarily secured in people's homes around . Incidentally many people around who also take charge of the museum , he added . On the other hand , the district is comprised of 19 districts , 217 villages , 4 villages and is commonly referred to as Earth - Orek Orek with an area of ​​1245.70 km2 seabreg was also a place of recreation that can not be underestimated .
n addition, also rich in handicraft products, including Teak Clevis craft. By utilizing waste or roots (tubers, red) teak, craftsmen can turn to make an eccentric furnishings. Batik Ngawi also can not be underestimated.
Widi Nugroho Batik, which is in Munggut Padas. Batik is promoting Pendem Castle Motif, Motif Bamboo Teak, Teak Abang Bamboo, Bamboo Shoots, Bamboo Sandpipers, Pring Gadhing, Motif Soybean, Melon Typical Ngawi, Teak Aking, Cloudy Rice, Rice, Tea Jamus, The Shoots, Rose and Butterfly butterfly, Motifs Tempuk time, motive Pithecantropus Erectus, Trinil Bledak, Parang Sandpipers, Inter-Tribal War, Slope Ceplok Sandpipers, Ngawi Joyo I and II, Ivory Slope, Nomad. Batik Banyu Biru, located in the Village District of Banyu Biru Widodaren by promoting motif Gringsing, Bokor Kencono, and Sido Mukti. Batik has been made ​​mandatory for the employee uniform Ngawi regency which also became an icon of batik Ngawi.

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